Arduino Next

Doug’s Traffic Light Kit is a great way to learn good soldering technique and an introduction to coding!
This is the status of the Next Arduino course.
We are developing the next courses. Collaborator Doug Commons has made a traffic light shield using a unique method using foil as wires and paper. This is a great way to learn general and surface mount soldering.
The project is simple enough to start to introduce concepts of coding.
- 30m Social.
- Project walkthrough.
- Project assembly.
- Load pre-made software.
- Reflection and break.
- Code concepts:
- Setup, loop and top down execution.
- Pin commands.
- Delay
- Variables
- IF statement
- For statement
- Session 2:
- Blocking code
- Interrupt for switch
- Unblocking code
The seat cost will cover Doug’s shield kits. lights