CNC 2020

This is a “2020B” kit. It’s made from PVC.

Assembly was pretty easy and fun so I highly recommend this kit to the right audience.

It’s an affordable kit but is more suitable for a person who is already familiar with CNC (and has a specific purpose for it like me) or someone who is technical and wants to learn about CNC.

A downside is that there is no cabinetry for electrical components. I may mount them to a board or something to keep it all together. Or perhaps a box. As things stand I’m just putting everything into a bin and laying it out to run the machine. The delay is that I wanted to run it for a while and validate the electronics before I box it up.

As it turns out I replaced the transformer-spindle-drive with a power supply and knob speed control. I think I’m now ready to box it up. Stand by for a report!

Here are some shots from construction.

Shots from vendor.

Here are the specifications.

Spindle motor: 300W
ER11: 3.175mm
Stepper motor: 17 Stepper motor
Lead screw: M8 threaded stainless steel Lead screw triangle
Spindle, 300W high-speed (10,000 rpm)

MAX. X axis travel: 200mm
MAX. Y axis travel: 200 mm
MAX. Z aixs travel: 70mm
Size: 600*700*500 mm
Resolution ratio: 0.0125 mm
Table structure: 10mm PCB
MAX. moving speed: 4000 mm/min
Control: 3000 mm/min
Main shaft power: 300w
Main shaft speed: 6000-12000 rpm/min
Tool DIA. range: Φ0.3-3.175 mm,4mm,6mm
Voltage: AC 110V/220V (Optional)
Drive model: Stepper
Instruction: G-code
System: Window 2000/XP

3 Responses to “CNC 2020

  • Hello, it’s ok, I have a similar cnc, I had to format the pc and lost the software installation CD.
    It would be possible to send me the files from your cd so that I can install my cnc again.
    I thank you for your attention.
    ACDM Greetings

  • Is there a link to where you bought it?


    • I just added a couple of youtube videos to the bottom of the post. One of them has the link to the one I bought. It’s on sale right now.

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