Darcy Whyte
(appointment only)
299 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7
instagram: inventorArtist
fb: inventorArtist
twitter: inventor_Artist
phone: 613-563-3634 (appointment only)
Mail order support email only please.
Ask me anything. Artist statement. Art in the dictionary. Art in wiki.

Hi, I’m interested in your Rotary flipbook. Is it possible to get it in France ?
If you email me at, I can put you on the list for next batch.
can you send me wiring electronic cnc mini 2020b in your website?
You mean you want the wiring diagram? Send me an email and I’ll attach that part of the manual.
Good afternoon,
I am retired here in Brazil and I would like to know if you only sell the drawings, because I want to start making these watches to complement my financial income, but I can not download the vectors of these drawings on the internet.
I used the google translator to write to you
Thank you for your willingness.
Hello Darcy,
We would like to order Dinky Motor Kits and Instructions V1, but we live in Holland/Netherlands and if we try to order it we get a message the shipping isn’t available. can you help us?
I’ve emailed you.
Looking for a Tragically hip cut out , don’t see anything on your site ?
don’t need the clock , just the cut out , Have anything ? if so , how much for just the cutout ?
Yeah, is the first one on the clock page:
I emailed you separately.
Hi Darcy:
Do you still offer the Parol Making kits? If so, I’m interested in purchasing them. Thanks!
Yes, I got your private message.
Hi love what you do would it be possible to do the clocks with a small rotary tool and if so what bit would you recommend I was wanting to do something for my wife’s birthday
If you have a look at my clocks page it shows lots of methods of cutting the vinyl.
Are you wanting me to make one or are you wanting help making one yourself?
Hi, wondering how much it costs for custom vinyl clocks. Thanks
Hey Darcy,
I saw your stuff especially the Painting robot. may I ask, what are the measurements of the wood and what did you use for programming. what type of arduino did you use? please answer back. thanks
This stuff is all outlined on the numerous pages for painting and drawing robots. Did you look through those pages?
Hey Darcy,
I see your stuff pop up on Reddit all the time. I love it! How much for a Hendrix clock?
Hey there Darcy.
I met you at Pour Boy a few months ago.
I would love to order a ladyface clock from you please!!
I don’t need it until August, just to give you some time.
Is the price $30? I feel that’s what you told me before but I could be wrong.
Also in the photo of the ladyface clock it has your logo cut in. Is that on all the clocks or just an example as I would prefer without the logo.
Hope you are having a good day.
I sent you an email…